To celebrate the 3rd European Sample Preparation Conference (EuSP2024) and the 2nd Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry Conference (GSAC2024), we have created a Special Issue “EuSP2024|GSAC2024: Advances in sample preparation and green analytical chemistry” that will collect high-quality manuscripts presented at the joint conferences. The Special Issue will appear in the Elsevier journal Advances in Sample Preparationdirectly associated with our EuChemS-DAC Sample Preparation Study Group and Network. Advances in Sample Preparation was recently awarded an Impact Factor of 5.2 (IF=5.2) from Clarivate Analytics in the 2024 Journal Citation Reports (JCR 2024) and was ranked as a Q1 Journal.

The Special Issue is open for submissions and the manuscript submission deadline is 1st December 2024 with the tentative publication date of the special issue in March 2024. A full fee waiver is granted for our participants and the open access feature of our journal will make this special issue freely available to the public, accessible to readers without subscriptions. The accepted papers will be published online as soon as they have successfully passed the peer-review process.


Submissions to the Special Issue must be done through the Elsevier Editorial Manager online reviewing system on:


More information on the guidelines for preparing manuscripts and the submission process can be found at: